Our Group supports the work of hundreds of surgeons, obstetricians, physicians and other doctors in many speciality areas. These include specialties as varied as Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics, Plastics, Ear Nose & Throat, Gastroenterology, Facio-maxillary and Dental, Cardio thoracic, Neurology, Urology, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Colorectal surgery, Pain medicine and Paediatrics. We also provide services to labour wards, cardiology services, intensive care units and radiology.
Our members are committed to the highest quality of care and are sought after by both new and established surgical teams.
Doctors from the Victorian Anaesthetic Group have been involved in the advancement of Anaesthetics in many areas outside the operating theatre. Many of our doctors are involved in medical education (undergraduate as well as specialist training) and community education. They have a history of commitment to and partnership with the ASA (Australian Society of Anaesthetists) and ANZCA (Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists). We have representatives on the Victorian Consultative Council into Anaesthetic Morbidity and Mortality VCCAMM. The Victorian Anaesthetic Group is represented in many Medical Advisory Committees for hospitals in which they work. Victorian Anaesthetic Group doctors are well represented on the staff of a variety of public hospitals in Melbourne such as the Alfred, Royal Melbourne, The Royal Women’s’, the Royal Children’s, Monash Medical Centre, the Eye and Ear and the Peter McCallum Cancer Centre.