A consultant Anaesthetist is a doctor who has undergone further medical training in the specialty of Anaesthesia. Having completed medical school and worked for a minimum of 2 years as a doctor, the Anaesthetist must then complete at least 5 further years of anaesthetic training. During that time your Anaesthetist is trained in all aspects of medicine related to patient care before, during and after surgery including pain management, resuscitation, the management of medical emergencies and intensive care. They also study specific areas such as Paediatrics, Obstetrics and the care of the elderly. Your Anaesthetist will be registered with the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists or equivalent. Every Anaesthetist takes part in the continuing medical education program run by the College or equivalent, to ensure they remain up to date with the rapid changes in Anaesthesia and Medicine.
Our primary responsibility is to our patients, now and into the future. As such we are active in all aspects of our profession including coaching, developing and mentoring those new to the field and seeking to have a positive voice in the future direction of the private health sector. We employ sophisticated information technology and communications systems to ensure our members and ultimately the wider community, have access to world’s best practice.
Importantly we aim to exceed the expectations of our patients, their surgeons and the hospitals in which we practice. For more than 60 years our knowledge and professionalism has established the benchmark for patient care in the field of anaesthesia.
You will meet your Anaesthetist prior to your procedure and discuss your past surgical and medical history as well as the important aspects of your upcoming care. It is your Anaesthetist’s job to oversee your wellbeing for the procedure. During the operation they are responsible for administering the anaesthesia and pain relief, and monitoring your vital functions such as heart, lungs, kidneys and brain to ensure your safety throughout. Surgical procedures put significant stress on the body and without modern anaesthesia the majority of these procedures would not be possible.