© 2025 Victorian Anaesthetic Group.
MB.BS (Monash 1992) FANZCA
Specialist Anaesthetist
I am a dedicated and experienced Specialist Anaesthetic Doctor with a strong passion for providing high-quality care to patients undergoing surgery. With many years of experience in anaesthesia, I am committed to making the operative experience as seamless and comfortable as possible for patients. I take pride in fostering a collaborative, team-based approach to care, having worked closely with many of my surgeon colleagues for years to ensure optimal outcomes.
As a member of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA), I remain dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of practice through continuous professional development and education. I am particularly focused on staying abreast of the latest advancements and techniques in anaesthesia to ensure my patients benefit from the best and most current practices in the field.
I believe in creating a positive and supportive environment for both my patients and the surgical team, and I am always seeking ways to enhance the safety, comfort, and overall experience of every individual under my care.
Australian Society of Anaesthetists (ASA).
I completed my undergraduate medical degree at The University of Melbourne before commencing internship and then speciality anaesthetic training at Alfred Health. I trained at several hospitals in Victoria including Barwon, Bendigo, and Eastern Health, and also specialty hospitals Mercy Hospital for Women and the Royal Children’s Hospital.
I now work as a visiting specialist at Alfred Health and work in private practice at Epworth, St Vincent’s, Cabrini, and a number of Ramsay and Healthscope hospitals. I have published and presented a number of medical research papers and have won several grants and awards for my research. I participate in the wellbeing subgroup and the organ donation subgroup at Alfred Health, and enjoy teaching future anaesthetists.
Running, reading, travelling, food and cooking, and spending time with my family.
I am a specialist anaesthetist. I work in the private and public hospital system. I regularly provide anaesthesia for a number of subspecialties including Neurosurgery, Orthopaedics, Colorectal surgery, Gynaecology and Vascular surgery.
I was an undergraduate medical student at Monash University. My anaesthetic training was through the Royal Melbourne Hospital and then my fellowship year was at St Vincent’s Hospital in Melbourne. I continue to work one day a week as a visiting anaesthetist at St Vincent’s Hospital.
I like to spend time with my family. I enjoy running, tennis and riding my bike.
I am a fellow of the Australian New Zealand College of Anaesthetists. I am a member of the Australian Society of Anaesthetists and the Australian Medical Association. I enjoy watching Australian Rules Football and I am a member of the Richmond Football Club.
MBBS (hons), MMed (Periop), FANZCA
I regularly anaesthetise for a wide range of surgical specialties. My interests are in anaesthesia for trauma, obesity surgery, ENT, ophthalmic surgery, neurosurgery, urology, colorectal surgery, orthopaedics, gynaecology, obstetrics and management of the difficult airway.
Following completion of my undergraduate medical degree at Monash University, I completed anaesthetic training at The Alfred Hospital. I continue to work at Alfred Health and Eastern Health as a Specialist Anaesthetist. I maintain my professional knowledge and skill by participation in the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists Continuing Professional Development program. I also completed further postgraduate study and training in Perioperative Medicine and the use of ultrasound in focused cardiac ultrasound.
I enjoy travelling, spending time with my family and dog, cycling, food and wine.
Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists; Member of Australian Society of Anaesthetists; Sydney Swans Football Club
MBBS (Hons), BMedSc (Hons), FANZCA
I regularly anaesthetise for a wide range of surgical specialities in both the public and private settings. My particular interests are in anaesthesia for trauma, general, orthopaedic, plastic, vascular, neuro, ophthalmic and obstetric surgery. In addition to this I have a strong interest in perioperative medicine.
Following the completion of my undergraduate medical studies at Monash University, I undertook anaesthetic training at the Alfred Hospital. This included rotations at the Royal Children’s, Mercy, Box Hill and Geelong hospitals. I continue to work at the Alfred and a number of other public hospitals as a specialist anaesthetist and I regularly participate in registrar teaching and the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program.
Outside of anaesthesia, I enjoy spending time with my partner and dog as well as cycling, travel, food and wine.
Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA), Australian Society of Anaesthetists (ASA)
I regularly anaesthetise for a wide range of both paediatric and adult surgical specialties, particularly Ear Nose and Throat surgery, Orthopaedics, Urology/Urogynaecology and General Surgery.
I attended the University of Melbourne and completed a Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in recent Australian history and English. Following some time overseas, I was accepted into the graduate entry medical program at Flinders University in South Australia and moved to Adelaide to complete the degree, spending some time in Alice Springs in the process. I returned to Melbourne for internship, and after 3 years working at Western Health and in Emergency & Trauma Medicine, was accepted into anaesthetic training at the Alfred Hospital. I completed a year-long paediatric anaesthetic fellowship at the Royal Children’s Hospital to round out my anaesthesia training, including a term in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
I continue to work at The Alfred Hospital as a Consultant Anaesthetist and participate in the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists Continuing Professional Development program. I also regularly attend updates and meetings of the Society of Paediatric Anaesthetists of New Zealand and Australia.
Travel, hiking, kayaking, stand up paddleboarding (with my dog), gardening, live music and Australian gin distilleries. I am a member of the Zoos Victoria Foundation Advisory Board and am passionate about conservation and sustainability.
Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, member of the Australian Society of Anaesthetists and Doctors for the Environment Australia.
Anaesthesia for: orthopaedics, spinal surgery, pain procedures, endoscopy for gastrointestinal procedures, oral and faciomaxillary
After early childhood on a sheep station, I then had a nomadic existence, attending several excellent government schools, before gaining a scholarship to Mentone Boys Grammar School. From there, I gained entry to Monash University, graduating in Medicine to become a resident and then anaesthetic registrar at the Alfred Hospital. My third year of specialist training was in the UK, after which I returned to complete my final year at the Royal Womens Hospital and the Royal Childrens Hospital. Soon after completion of training, I was invited to join the Victorian Anaesthetic Group and at the same time took an appointment as a visiting anaesthetist at the Alfred Hospital. In the years since graduating, I have served as State Chairman of the Australian Society of Anaesthetists, lectured to candidates in training at the College courses, and sat on advisory committees at some hospitals I attend. A particular interest has been the difficult problem of nausea and vomiting associated with anaesthesia, and I have given a number of lectures on the topic.
In my spare time, I enjoy sailing, flying, rowing and skiing and the occasional game of golf.
Fellow of the Australian College of Anaesthetists (FANZCA) Member of the Australian Society of Anaesthetists
I regularly anaesthetise for a wide range of surgical specialties. I enjoy and am particularly interested in anaesthesia for neurosurgery, plastics, orthopaedics, gynaecology and general surgery.
My anaesthetic training was largely based at the Alfred hospital. I completed my fellowship at both the Alfred hospital and the Box Hill hospital. I have worked as a consultant at both hospitals since but am now based at the Alfred hospital. I maintain my professional knowledge and skills by participation in the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists Continuing Professional Development program and am regularly involved in the teaching of anaesthetic registrars.
Spending time with my young family and Pilates
MBBS, B.Biomed (Hons), MMed (Pain Mgt), FANZCA
I regularly anaesthetise for a wide range of surgical specialties including trauma, major general surgery and neurosurgery. My particular interests are in obstetric anaesthesia, gynaecological surgeries including urogyneacology and gynae oncology, breast, plastics, fertility and pain procedures.
I completed Anaesthetic Training at The Alfred Hospital with rotations to other major teaching hospitals including The Royal Children’s Hospital, The Royal Women’s Hospital and St Vincent’s Hospital. My specialty fellowships are in Obstetric Anaesthesia (high-risk obstetrics) completed at The Royal Women’s Hospital and General Anaesthesia at The Alfred Hospital. I continue to work at both hospitals as a Consultant Anaesthetist and hold an appointment as a Supervisor of Training for ANZCA at The Royal Women’s Hospital. In addition to my clinical work, I have interests in teaching and welfare. I am involved with trainee health and welfare and implementing the mentorship program at The Alfred Hospital. I am currently completing the ANZCA Educators Program and regularly participate in the ANZCA continuing medical education program. I also undertook the role of Anaesthetic Allergy Fellow and participate in allergy testing clinics. I have completed a Masters of Medicine in Pain Management and incorporate this knowledge into my patient care and post-operative analgesia management.
Spending time with my husband, children and dog. I enjoy traveling, skiing and pilates.
Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA)- including membership of the Obstetric, Welfare, and Leadership Special Interest Group, Australian Society of Anaesthetists (ASA), Victorian Anaesthetic Training Committee (VATC)
MBBS, FANZCA, Grad Dip Applied Finance & Investment, MAICD
Orthopaedics, Maxillofacial, ENT (including paediatrics), Head and Neck, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
I am a graduate of Monash University and completed my post graduate training through the Alfred and St Vincent’s hospitals in Melbourne. I have particular interest in regional anaesthesia and the management of acute pain and of the shared and difficult airway. I am the Vice President of the Australian Society of Anaesthetists and a board member of the Victorian Anaesthetic Group. I am a former member of the medical advisory committee of Invivo medical indemnity and of the medical advisory committees of Vimy Private Hospital and Surrey Private Hospital. I am involved at the Epworth and St Vincent’s Private Hospitals in the development of tools to help with the preoperative assessment of patients undergoing major surgery.
In my spare time I enjoy golf and physical fitness, wine and food, reading, travel, woodworking and furniture restoration.
Australian Medical Association, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, Australian Society of Anaesthetists, Australian Institute of Company Directors, Australian Securities Institute, Anaesthetic Continuing Education Society
MBBS(hons), BMedSci, MMed, FANZCA
I regularly anaesthetise for a wide range of surgical specialties and have particular interests in anaesthesia for obstetrics and gynaecology, vascular surgery, upper gastrointestinal / hepatobiliary and colorectal cancer surgery.
I completed my undergraduate medical degree at the University of Melbourne and my anaesthetic training at The Alfred Hospital in Melbourne. I have also completed specialty fellowships in obstetric anaesthesia (Royal Women’s Hospital), anaesthesia for cancer surgery (Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre), and perioperative medicine (Alfred Hospital). I continue to work at The Alfred Hospital as a Staff Specialist Anaesthetist.
In addition to my clinical work, I have interests in teaching and research. I have completed both undergraduate and postgraduate research degrees at the University of Melbourne and I continue to be engaged in clinical research. I am also an adjunct lecturer at Monash University, coordinating the Master of Medicine subject ‘Acute Perioperative Care’.
Running, travel, reading
Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (including membership of the Obstetric, Perioperative, Airway, and Leadership Special Interest Groups), Australian Society of Anaesthetists, Australian Medical Association, and the International Anaesthetic Research Society.
I regularly anaesthetise for a wide range of surgical specialties, with particular interest in neurosurgery, trauma, obstetrics and ENT surgery.
Having completed my undergraduate medical degree at The University of Newcastle, I then moved to Melbourne, completing anaesthetic training at The Alfred Hospital. I completed a fellowship in opioid free anaesthesia in Brussels, Belgium at the Saint Luc University Hospital prior to returning to Melbourne, and The Alfred Hospital, where I work as a consultant anaesthetist. I maintain and further my professional knowledge and skills by participation in the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists Continuing Professional Development program, and by completion of further postgraduate study. I am involved in the teaching of junior registrars and residents at The Alfred Hospital.
I enjoy spending time with my young family, practicing yoga and reading.
I work across a variety of surgical specialities with a particular focus on anaesthesia for obstetrics and gynaecology.
After graduating from medical school at The University of Adelaide and working at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, I spent some time working in critical care and intensive care medicine while studying and then teaching music composition at Monash University.
I subsequently completed my anaesthetic training across a number of locations in Melbourne including a fellowship at Western Health and a speciality fellowship in obstetric and gynaecology anaesthesia at the Royal Women’s Hospital. Having received my specialist qualification from the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA), in addition to private practice, I have public appointments as a visiting anaesthetist at both Western Health and the Royal Women’s Hospital.
As well as a life-long passion for music I’m a devoted father of two and husband of one.
Australian Society of Anaesthetists (ASA), Doctors for the Environment, Fitzroy Tennis Club.
Kim has a particular interest in anaesthesia for obstetrics, neurosurgery, trauma and burns. Her regular work also includes anaesthesia for lower limb orthopaedic, dental, pain and endoscopic procedures.
After completing her undergraduate training at Monash University, Kim completed her anaesthetic training at the Alfred Hospital. She also undertook training at the Royal Women’s and Royal Children’s Hospitals. She continues to work at The Alfred as a Visiting Medical Officer where she anaesthetises patients for a great variety of often complex procedures in unwell patients. Her fellowship year was undertaken at both Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and The Alfred, where she held the role of Principle Fellow. Kim’s time at Peter MacCallum allowed her to sub-specialise in perioperative management of patients with cancer. In addition to her clinical training, Kim has also completed a short course in perioperative medicine, was awarded a scholarship for Women in Leadership Australia and has undertaken teaching of difficult airway management.
When not working, Kim spends much of her time with her three small children. She enjoys photography, long distance running and skiing. She and her family regularly travel to rural Victoria and France.
Australian Society of Anaesthetists, Melbourne Cricket Club, Tintern Old Girls Association
I completed my medical degree at the University of Melbourne. After gaining experience in Paediatric Medicine, I went on to complete my anaesthetic training at the Alfred Hospital. I have subspecialist interests in Paediatrics, Oral and Maxillofacial surgery, Trauma and Burns. I have further subspecialised in paediatric anaesthesia with a fellowship at the Royal Children’s Hospital. Currently I’m working at the Royal Children’s Hospital, Alfred Hospital, and the Dental Health Service Victoria, as well as in private practice.
I am a regular participant in the Maintenance of Professional Standards Program from the College of Anaesthetists.
Anaesthesia for Vascular/ Head and neck surgery
Following completion of my medical degree, I received my specialist qualification from the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists. I am a regular participant in the Maintenance of Professional Standards Program from the College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA).
Australian Society of Anaesthetists (ASA).
FANZCA, FRCA, German Medical State Exam
Faciomaxillary, Neurosurgery, Orthopaedic, Colorectal, Plastic Surgery, Gynaecology, Obstetrics, ENT
I am a Fellow of both the British Royal College of Anaesthetists (1996) and the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (2002). I did my medical degree in Germany but all of my anaesthetic training in the UK and Australia. I worked as a full time specialist at The Royal Melbourne Hospital for seven years with a special interest in cardiothoracic anaesthesia. I entered full time private practice and joined the Victorian Anaesthetic Group in 2008. I thoroughly enjoy the huge range of work that I am involved in and enjoy being a part of the team at most of the private hospitals across Melbourne.
Quality Assurance with the Continuing Medical Education program of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, Registrar and Medical Student Education
Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists, London, ASA, BMA.
I regularly anaesthetise for a wide range of both paediatric and adult surgical specialties, particularly Ear Nose and Throat surgery, Orthopaedics, Urology/Urogynaecology.
I attended the University of Melbourne and completed a Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in recent Australian history and English. Following some time overseas, I was accepted into the graduate entry medical program at Flinders University in South Australia and moved to Adelaide to complete the degree, spending some time in Alice Springs in the process. I returned to Melbourne for internship, and after 3 years working at Western Health and in Emergency & Trauma Medicine, was accepted into anaesthetic training at the Alfred Hospital. I completed a year-long paediatric anaesthetic fellowship at the Royal Children’s Hospital to round out my anaesthesia training, including a term in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
I continue to work at The Alfred Hospital as a Consultant Anaesthetist and participate in the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists Continuing Professional Development program. I also regularly attend updates and meetings of the Society of Paediatric Anaesthetists of New Zealand and Australia.
I have a busy little boy and we spend our free time outside gardening (aka making mud puddles), at the beach with the dog and travelling with family and friends. I am a keen supporter of Australian gin distilleries and agave spirit makers and make a mean margarita.
Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists.
BSc (Neuroscience), MB ChB, FANZCA, GDipMngt
Regional anaesthesia, anaesthesia for ear, nose and throat surgery, orthopaedic surgery and neurosurgery
Alex is originally from New Zealand and finished his undergraduate medical degree at the University of Otago. He moved to Australia in 2000 and completed his anaesthesia training in NSW, the UK and at the Alfred and St Vincent’s Hospitals in Melbourne. After working as a consultant at the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne and Christchurch Hospital in New Zealand, Alex accepted a position at St Vincent’s Hospital in Melbourne in 2013, where he continues to work. He joined the Victorian Anaesthetic Group at the same time and works in private practice throughout Melbourne. Alex is heavily involved with teaching trainee anaesthetists and preparing them for ANZCA examinations. He participates fully in the ANZCA continuing professional development programme.
Outside anaesthesia, Alex’s interests include surfing, kite-surfing and mountain-biking.
Australian Society of Anaesthetists, Australian Medical Association, ANZCA, Allied Medical Professionals for Education and Development.
MBBS/BA (politics, history), MPH (Columbia), FANZCA, GChPOM
Major head and neck, major colorectal and upper gastrointestinal, urological and plastics/reconstructive cancer surgery, as well as neurosurgery, obstetrics and gynaecological surgery.
I graduated from the University of Melbourne in 2008 with a double degree in Medicine and Arts, majoring in politics, history and creative writing. I completed my anaesthesia training in 2018 in Victoria after working at The Royal Melbourne, Women’s, Children’s, the Austin, Western and Northern hospitals. I completed a Master’s of Public Health at Columbia University in NYC in 2015. I completed a fellowship in global health equity at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) in 2019, then stayed on as faculty. Covid brought my family and I back to Australia in 2020 and I completed a fellowship in obstetric anaesthesia at the Mercy Hospital for Women. My public practice is primarily at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, where I am heavily involved in our internationally renowned perioperative program and shared decision making clinic. I recently became a graduate of ANZCA’s chapter of perioperative medicine, a new accreditation acknowledging fellows’ specialisation in the burgeoning field of perioperative medicine. I work privately at all the major metropolitan private hospitals. I am a lecturer at The University of Melbourne in the Department of Global/Public Health and Department of Critical Care, and speak at international conferences on global health equity and the social determinants of health. I am also involved in the teaching of junior and senior registrars at Peter Mac.
Cycling, hiking, golf, live music, travel to remote and quiet places and spending time in nature with my kids.
ANZCA, ANZCA – Chapter of Perioperative Medicine, ASA – Australia, ASA – America, CSA – Californian Society of Anesthesiologists.
MBBS, University of Melbourne 1994. FANZCA, 2004.
My usual mix of practice includes Orthopaedic, General, Neuro-, Vascular, Trauma, Obstetric and Gynaecological surgery.
I enjoy a diverse practice with a significant practice in public health, at the Alfred Hospital.
I underwent Anaesthesia training from 1999-2004 at the Geelong and Alfred hospitals. I then completed further training at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, UK.
When not working I enjoy keeping active with running and Pilates, supporting my children’s activities, spending time down the Surf Coast.
Dr Tan provides anaesthesia for a range of surgical specialties. He has subspecialty training and a special interest in obstetric and gynaecological anaesthesia.
Dr Tan grew up between Melbourne and Malaysia. He completed his medical degree at The University of Melbourne and received his specialist qualifications from the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA). In addition to private practice, Dr Tan is the Clinical Lead Anaesthetist and Research Fellow at The Royal Women’s Hospital. Dr Tan is undertaking a PhD at The University of Melbourne exploring oxygen delivery in pregnant people. Some of his research has received awards at an international level. His other pursuits are in medical leadership and hospital workflow improvement.
Dr Tan enjoys swimming, pilates and indoor soccer. He’s happiest when spending quality time with his busy paediatric endocrinologist wife and their even busier two daughters.
Dr Tan is a member of the Australian Society of Anaesthetists (ASA) and ANZCA’s Obstetric Anaesthesia Special Interest Group.
MBBS (Melbourne university), FFARACS, FANZCA
Cardio thoracic Anaesthesia, cathlab procedures General/colorectal Day surgery
I originally came from Malaysia, went to Melbourne university. Went through RMH and Alfred during my training. In Solo practice for many years until recently, joined VAG in 2011.
Reading, classical music, opera, walking, exercise, seeking out good coffee, traveling etc…
Australian Medical Association
Wide range of interests including cardiac surgery and intra-operative echocardiography, patients with complicated medical problems undergoing major surgery, regional nerve blockade and acute pain management.
I can understand if you feel some anxiety about the anaesthetic for your forthcoming procedure. I will be happy to answer any questions you have when I meet you before the operation. Please be reassured that due to the extensive training of Australian anaesthetists in anaesthesia, pain control, resuscitation, intensive care and managing medical emergencies, there is no safer place in the world to have an anaesthetic than in Australia. Following completion of a medical degree at Monash University in 1983 and 7 years in hospital training positions in Melbourne, I received my specialist qualification from the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists in 1991. I then worked for 3 years in clinical and research positions in Boston (Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School) and San Francisco (Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesia, University of California San Francisco) in the United States. Presently I am a Visiting Senior Anaesthetist at Monash Medical Centre, Melbourne and hold appointments at multiple private hospitals in Melbourne. I am a regular participant in the Maintenance of Professional Standards Program from the College of Anaesthetists, and have recently completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Perioperative and Critical Care Echocardiography at the University of Melbourne. I have published 10 research articles in international journals on ultrasound monitoring of the heart. My aim is for you to experience as little pain and discomfort as possible after the procedure. I hope you find the information in this document to be helpful.
Golf (3 handicap), keeping fit, photography and trying to catch up with my 2 kids.
Australian Society of Anaesthetists, Australian Medical Association, International Anaesthesia Research Society.
Anaesthesia for colorectal surgery, liver and pancreatic surgery, obesity surgery, breast surgery, thyroid surgery, trauma orthopaedics, general and laparoscopic surgery.
I was born and educated In Melbourne, and graduated from Monash University in 1993. I did the majority of my further training at the Alfred Hospital and had the opportunity to work in both surgery and anaesthesia throughout Victoria & Tasmania. I completed my anaesthetic training in 2003. I currently work in private practice, and as a Visiting Anaesthetist at The Alfred Hospital. I am involved with teaching anaesthetic trainees, and am on the Medical Advisory Board of Hobson Healthcare.
I enjoy spending time with my family, international music, playing golf, and bushwalking.
Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists. Member of the Australian Society of Anaesthetists
Anaesthesia – adult, obstetric, ENT from 9 months upwards, bariatric and other specialities
Monash Graduate, Melbourne-born, Italian descent but with a good grasp of French and some Greek language.
Cycling, reading, cinema, bush walking and photography.
AMA, ASA, Monash Alumnis
Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Breast Surgery, General Surgery, Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery, Orthopaedics, Weight Reduction Surgery, Urology and Eye Surgery
Dr Mossenson obtained her medical degree from the University of Western Australia. After working at Royal Perth Hospital and then at The Austin Hospital, Dr Mossenson trained in anaesthetics through The Alfred Hospital. She completed her Provisional Fellowship year at The Royal Women’s and The Alfred and in addition to her private practice, Dr Mossenson still works at both of these Tertiary Centres.
Dr Mossenson enjoys getting involved in a diversity of arts and cultural events, cooking, gardening and spending time with her family.
Australian Society of Anaesthetists, Australian Medical Association, ANZCA
Dr Moloney regularly anaesthetises for a variety of surgical specialties including Neurosurgery, ENT, Maxillofacial, Colorectal, Orthopaedics and Obstetrics. She has special interests in Trauma Anaesthesia and management of the difficult airway.
After completing her medical degree at The University of Queensland, Emma pursued her anaesthetic training throughout hospitals in Brisbane. She moved to Melbourne to complete a fellowship in Trauma Anaesthesia at The Alfred Hospital, where she continues to work as a Consultant Specialist Anaesthetist. After obtaining her FANZCA in 2014, Emma gained further experience in 2017 working at University College Hospital in London, UK, where she worked across a variety of specialities including Upper GI, Urology, major robotic surgery and ENT.
Emma is a Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists and participates in their Continuing Professional Development activities. She is regularly involved in the teaching of anaesthetic registrars.
Cycling, Hiking, Rugby, Travelling, Reading
Australian Society of Anaesthetists, ANZCA
MBBS (Hons), FANZCA, MBioethics
I regularly anaesthetise for a wide range of surgical specialties in both public and private hospitals, including orthopaedic surgery, general and colorectal surgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery, head and neck surgery, and urology.
Following completion of my undergraduate medical degree at Monash University, I completed anaesthetic training in Melbourne at a wide variety of hospitals. I undertook fellowships at both Box Hill Hospital and the Alfred Hospital and I continue to work as a Specialist Anaesthetist at Alfred Health. I maintain and further my professional knowledge and skills by participation in the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists Continuing Professional Development program. I have interests in teaching and education and regularly participate in registrar teaching and exam preparation programs. I have also undertaken further postgraduate study, completing a Masters of Bioethics at Monash University.
I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, music and reading.
Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, Australian Society of Anaesthetists.
Having completed my medical degree at Monash University, Melbourne in 1992, I acquired my specialist qualification from the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists in 2001. I furthered my clinical experience overseas as a consultant anaesthetist in Edinburgh, Scotland and Dublin, Ireland before returning to Melbourne, Australia in 2004
My clinical practice is predominantly in the private sector. However, I also hold a public hospital appointment at Monash Health. I have a broad clinical scope of practice which encompasses orthopaedic surgery, neurosurgery, urology, bariatric surgery, endoscopic procedures.
Acute Pain Management, Peri-Operative Medicine, Quality and Safety In Anaesthesia.
Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists. Australian Society of Anaesthetists.
MBBS, FANZCA, Graduate Certificate in Health Professional Education
Wide ranging interests including orthopaedics, plastics, and urology, with a particular interest in regional anaesthesia.
I was born and raised in Melbourne and studied Medicine at Monash University. At the conclusion of my anaesthesia training I spent two and a half years at Stanford University in California, where I developed my interest in Patient Safety and in the emerging field of simulation in healthcare. On my return to Australia in the mid-90s, I became a staff anaesthetist at Monash Medical Centre, where I helped establish one of the first healthcare simulation facilities in the southern hemisphere. Since 2011 I have been a Visiting Anaesthetist at the Alfred Hospital. I have been working in private practice since mid-2013. I am married with three young children.
Family and sporting pursuits (hockey, skiing)
Difficult airway management, Regional anaesthesia, Major General Surgery, Major Spine Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery, Clinical and Corporate Governance.
Dr Effeney is a consultant anaesthetist with special interests in difficult airway management and regional anaesthesia, as well as anaesthesia for major general, spinal and orthopaedic surgery.
Additionally he has considerable experience and training in clinical and corporate governance. He is proud that be the current Chairman of The Victorian Anaesthetic Group, and has previously served on the Anaesthetic Advisory Committee of The Epworth Hospital Group as well as The Medical Advisory Committee of Epworth Freemasons.
Dr Effeney is in full time private practice, having previously worked visiting specialist at The Alfred Hospital, where he did his Anaesthetic Training, and The Women’s Hospital, where he was involved in protocol design and equipment selection for difficult airway management.
Dr Effeney completed the Australian Institute of Company Directors Course in 2016. He is also regularly involved in medical student teaching.
Dr Effeney is happily married and has three beautiful children, two daughters and a son. He keeps fit by going to the gym and plays golf regularly. He is a rugby fan and a passionate supporter of The Wallabies.
Dr Effeney is a member of the Australian Society of Anaesthetists (ASA), and participates in their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program.
MBBS (Qld) 1978, FFARACS 1985, FANZCA 1992
Head and Neck, Maxillo-facial, Plastics, ENT, Orthopaedics.
Born in Kenya, primary school in New Guinea, high school and university in Brisbane, intern + 1 at Gold Coast hospital, 2 years in South Africa, completed fellowship in Brisbane, 1 year at Addenbrooks in Cambridge, 4 years in private practice and VMO Gold Coast, married Gabrielle and moved to Alfred in Melbourne in 1991.Joined VAG in 1995.
Kids, golf, surfing, farming, viticulture and oenology.
Hepato-biliary-pancreatic, neurosurgery, ENT and head and neck, orthopaedics, plastics, urology, bariatrics and trauma. I regularly provide anaesthesia for paediatric patients.
Born and raised in Melbourne. Graduated from Monash University. Anaesthetic specialist training commenced in Brighton, England, and then completed through The Alfred Hospital registrar program. I have worked in the United Kingdom, Middle East and New Zealand. I hold an appointment as Senior Visiting Anaesthetist at The Alfred Hospital. I am actively involved in teaching of anaesthetic registrars, emergency medicine registrars, medical students, paramedics and nursing students.
Family, travel, musical theatre and Aussie rules.
Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, Australian Society of Anaesthetists, Australian Medical Association, Footscray Football Club
MBBS(Hons) FANZCA PGdipPeriop GCertCritCare
Regional anaesthesia, Upper GI surgery, Orthopaedic surgery, perioperative medicine and Neurosurgery.
Simon is originally from Western Australia, and completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Western Australia. He moved to Victoria in 2019 to finish his Anaesthesia training at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, and the Alfred Hospital. Over his training he was heavily involved in ANZCA, as Chair of the Bi-national training committee. Following his training he worked for a period in regional NSW prior to accepting a position at the Alfred Hospital, where he continues to work today. He has since joined the Victorian Anaesthetic Group and works at a number of Hospitals throughout Melbourne. Simon has ongoing involvement in research projects, and fully participates in the ANZCA continuing professional development program.
Outside of work Simon enjoys the outdoors including hiking, kayaking and cycling.
Australian Society of Anaesthetists, Australian Medical Association, ANZCA.