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Becoming a Member

Our Objectives and Structure

The Victorian Anaesthetic Group is an association of like-minded anaesthetists. We aim to be one of the premier providers of anaesthetic services and provide the highest quality of care for our patients. The company and the services it provides is managed and controlled by shareholding members through an elected Board of Directors.

Becoming a member of the group has the following advantages:

  • the provision of diary management for regular surgical arrangements and ad hoc requests;
  • the obtaining of Informed Financial Consent from patients;
  • the provision of a full suite of accounting services (e.g. invoicing, receipting and debtor control);
  • on-line access to accounts software (including a calendar with accessible procedure lists and all aspects of patient accounts from billing through to bank reconciliation);
  • having personal leave covered;
  • attendance at CPD events (such as Morbidity and Mortality meetings);
  • professional governance (through a Board of Directors) and management (through a Business Manager and Practice Manager).

Our Fee Structure

Members are charged a flat percentage of their billings. The fee percentage is reviewed and set annually. The rate at any given time can be discussed with our Business Manager. The dollar value of the percentage is capped so that it does not exceed the amount paid by shareholders.

Upon the completion of two years of membership, applications can be made (depending upon personal and company circumstances) to the Board to become a shareholder.

Membership Pre-Requisites

Applications can be made at any time. To become a member, an applicant must be:

  • a specialised anaesthetist registered with AHPRA;
  • a fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists or equivalent body;
  • conducting his or her own anaesthetic practice; and
  • holding current medical indemnity insurance.

Application Requirements

It is preferable that applicants know an existing member who will nominate them for membership (the ’Nominator’) and another existing member who will support their application (the ’Seconder’). The Nominator and Seconder should be well known to the applicant professionally and/or personally as they will need to submit a ’Statement of Support’.

Applicants will need to provide their Nominator with:

  • A Letter of Introduction, detailing their current work (private and/or public) and how membership of VAG would be beneficial for both them and the group; and
  • Their CV, including three clinical references (with contact details), none of whom should be VAG members.

If the application progresses, the applicant will need to provide further information (detailed in our ’Application for Membership’). Our Business Manager will provide an application when appropriate.

Applications are approved by the Board with the consent of shareholders and an invitation is extended to commence using VAG’s services.


If you have any questions, please call our Business Manager on (03) 9509 3322 or email us at